Sunday, July 3, 2011

tutorial 2 - layering

well, im here once again.. today, im going to post my 2nd tutorial which is layering.. !!
firstly, i added on 1 new background.. let's see..

a sky... i used bac the same method.. quick selection tool , move tool and zoom too..
besides, CTRL-T being used too to resize the picture..

e-bee and FOM building added in.. same as last tutorial...

OPEN DAY and FOM 's words added in.. :DD
same tools.. quick selection tool, move tool, zoom tool .. but, i wanna make the colour of the words more nicer, i used the Brightness/Contrast to make the words look brighter..

uni 's name and logo added in.. and im done.. saved in jepg file n ready to upload.. :DD

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